Tuesday, April 17, 2012

OneGrill joins the NMOA - National Mail Order Asscoiation

On April 6, 2012 OneGrill, LLC joined the National Mail Order Marketing Association. We believe that mail order will continue to be the go to place for people to find what they are looking for. The internet offers endless possibilities to find EXACTLY what you are looking for without driving all over town. With fuel hovering at $4 per gallon right now, it does not make sense to explore for too long. Research, compare, read reviews and buy from home. Don't forget to check out the BBB (Better Business Bureau) for details on the companies you are considering.

OneGrill will continue to align with industry resources who help to make the industries we serve, better, stronger and safer for those around us.

OneGrill joins NBBQA - National BBQ Association

OneGrill ,LLC is now a proud member of the National BBQ Association. As an ongoing commitment to the industry, we will continue to align ourselves with various organizations who help promote the great BBQ past time. We encourage you to become a part of the industry and learn more about the endless possibilities of great taste and enjoyment barbeque grilling provides. Expand your horizons and try new ways to prepare foods. The internet is filled with great recipes and information for you to experiment. Have fun, join an association in your area or attend the next NBBQ event. Visit nbbqa.org for more info.